Resolve common audio issues
Audio is one of the hardest aspects of the course to fix after you record, so be sure to spend some time to get it right from the beginning. It is so important that your learners can hear you clearly.
Here is a list of common audio issues and how to resolve them.
Two things before you begin
- It’s best to use an external microphone. Avoid recording audio directly from a built-in microphone on your camera, computer, or mobile phone.
- Check your audio early on and frequently to avoid needing to re-record your content. That way you can make sure you have good audio quality throughout your course.
How to avoid echo and background noise
Recording in an empty room with no wall coverings and no carpet is one of the most common ways instructors end up with poor audio. This is due to echoes that make the audio sound really far away, like you’re recording in an open space.
To avoid echo, add soundproofing elements to help absorb some of it. You can add acoustic panels to the walls of your recording room or you can add blankets, cushions, pillows, and couches to help absorb some of the sound. For more tips, see set up your recording space.
It’s important to pause and listen to your recordings frequently to make sure you’re not picking up sounds like traffic, air conditioning, phones ringing, people talking in the background, etc. as these background noises can often be unnoticed while recording.
Troubleshooting common audio issues
Distortion: You might hear an electrical static sound in your recording. Typically this is caused by having the gain turned too high, making the audio extremely distracting.
Background hiss: You might also have a background hiss similar to distortion. This will sound like a raspy noise within your audio track. It generally comes from having a poor quality microphone, like the one built into your camera or computer.
Left speaker: If the audio output setting is set to mono instead of stereo, the audio might come out from the left speaker only.
Low volume: If the volume on your recording is really low, your microphone may be too far away. Make sure to speak loudly and clearly and speak directly into the microphone.
Muffled sound: You can also run into the opposite problem if you are speaking too close to the microphone. We suggest being about 6-12 inches (about 15–30 centimeters) away from the microphone.
Pops: Another common problem is “pops” in your audio. This popping sound is especially common in words with “p”s and “t”s. If you have this issue, there will be unnatural spikes in your audio, which can be distracting for your learners. Try moving just a little further from the microphone or drinking water before you talk (this can actually help with clarity). You can also purchase a pop filter to add to your microphone which will filter out the popping sound.