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Udemy Pro FAQs

Note: This FAQ was last updated on October 30, 2020.

1. I’ve heard Udemy is beginning to look into a consumer subscription offering. What’s happened?

In November 2019, we launched an early release of Udemy Pro, a new product experience designed to increase student learning outcomes. Available to a segment of marketplace students, Udemy Pro offers access to a curated set of IT Certification video and practice test courses via a monthly subscription.

2. Why did Udemy launch this?

We wanted to provide students with more options to learn. In addition to individual marketplace courses, we’re offering students a guided approach to accomplish their specific learning goals. We think this will foster more long-term learning, increase course consumption, and build better engagement.

3. What is the difference between a Udemy Pro subscription and an individual marketplace Course?

Udemy Pro packages courses together, offering students learning guidance and convenient content access. Unlike the marketplace, content access for Udemy Pro is only available to students with an active subscription — there is no lifetime access. Instead of a 30-day money-back guarantee, Udemy Pro offers students a 7-day free trial.

4. How will this affect me?

For most instructors, Udemy Pro will have limited impact. Udemy Pro launched as an early release product to a small segment of English marketplace students and covers select IT certifications. Students will continue to be able to purchase your courses from the marketplace and use your referral links and coupons. The primary change you may notice are Udemy Pro promotional banners on select pages in the IT Certification section of the marketplace.

5. Will Udemy Pro be promoted during Black Friday?

You may see a few promotional mentions of Udemy Pro in certain parts of the site during Black Friday.

6. How did you choose to start in IT Certification?

Over the past few years, the IT Certification topic has consistently grown in student demand and interest based on marketplace and Udemy Business enrollment. Additionally, instructors have continually published IT Certification courses, providing a strong supply of high-quality, updated courses to meet student demand and interest.

7. How did you choose the instructors and courses in it?

Courses and instructors were selected for Udemy Pro using marketplace and Udemy Business feedback. Based on course enrollment and consumption patterns, specific IT certification courses were selected to meet trends in student demand. Courses and instructors were then selected based on a variety of student-focused factors including effective content coverage, enrollment numbers, student ratings and reviews, etc.

8. Can I opt my course to be part of it?

At this time, Udemy Pro opt-ins will continue to be handled on an individual basis. Its inclusion in the Promotions Policy is meant to simplify the experience for instructors currently included in the pilot, or who may be included in future iterations.

We will proactively reach out to more instructors to participate as the product scales. We’re carefully assessing the impact of Udemy Pro on the marketplace’s overall growth and health for both participating and non-participating courses and instructors.

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