CLP Checklist 2

Your intended learner audience, course learning objectives, description, and lectures

Now that you have your keyword list and a strong title and subtitle it’s time to focus on other important sections of your CLP. The following sections help students decide whether or not your course is right for them. These are great places to use the keywords you’ve identified.

What you'll learn section on Course Landing Page

Description section of Course Landing Page

Learning objectives

After your title and subtitle, this section is the most prominent on your CLP, visible to potential learners under the “What you’ll learn” header. Make sure you weave your keywords throughout the course learning objectives and cover the following:

  • Are there 4-6 clear, focused goals?
  • Do the goals align with the course content?
  • Do these learning objectives describe actions your learners will be able to do after completing your course?
  • Does each goal start with an active verb?
  • Have you incorporated your top keywords?
  • Are the goals realistic and achievable within the course?

To edit this in the CLP, in the course builder find the field under Plan your course > Intended learners > What will students learn in your course? 

Section/Lecture Titles

Your Section and Lecture Titles are displayed under the Course Content section of the CLP. Review the copy in your curriculum section to ensure that you leverage keywords throughout the section and lecture titles to further optimize the content in your CLP.

  1. Are they specific, concise, and accurately summarize what’s taught in your course?
  2. Do they use phrases that make sense outside the context of the course and align with how students would search for this topic on Google (for example, “how-to” phrases)?

To edit this in the CLP, in the course builder find this field under Create your content > Curriculum

The good news is that once you’ve completed this exercise to improve the keywords and content on your course landing page (CLP), this should help make your course more visible and discoverable through search on Udemy’s marketplace and on external search engines, such as Google.  


List any required skills, experience, tools or equipment students should have prior to taking your course. If there are no requirements, use this as an opportunity to lower the barrier for beginners.

Course Description

The course description gives you a great opportunity to double down on what your course is about. This is your chance to express what you have to offer and what makes you and your course unique. You want your passion and personality to shine through and it’s a great place to set the expectations for the learning experience you deliver. When done right, this helps establish trust and keeps the reader engaged. Speak directly to your potential learners using “you” language. This information is found under the Description section on the course landing page..

  • Does it start with a hook that speaks to the pain point(s) / goal(s) / aspiration(s) of the intended audience?
  • Is it easy to follow and understand (e.g. important info first, paragraphs are well structured and concise)?
  • Does it describe the resources, activities, projects, and materials included in your course?
  • Does it include relevant background information about why you are the right person to teach this course?
  • Does it clearly highlight the key values of taking your course? 
  • Does it demonstrate how your course is different from others?
  • Does it set expectations of how engaged you are (e.g. how often you answer questions, update the course)?
  • Does it explain what students will accomplish during and beyond the course? You can even include student testimonials to explain.
  • Does it include calls to action to watch the promo video, free lectures, and enroll in the course?
  • Finally, are the phrases you identified during your keyword research organically incorporated throughout the description? 

Use this guide to help you structure your description:

  1. Start by identifying your intended student. Use “If you are [type of student]. Make the first few sentences very engaging so you can hook learners in. Rhetorical questions work well here. Speak directly to a pain point or goal. 
  2. Short paragraph with high level overview of your course and the unique benefit it gives students.
  3. In this course, you will + bullet points on key value the course brings. Start each bullet with an action verb (Develop, master). Avoid verbs like Learn, Know, or Understand.
  4. Why learn about this topic? What makes it so important or useful?
  5. Mention some of the course activities students will complete.
  6. Why this course is different or why students should learn from you.
  7. End with a call to action.

To edit this in the CLP, in the course builder find the field under Publish your course > Course landing page > Course description. 

Intended Audience 

Before you begin editing, spend a moment thinking about your intended learner audience. Understanding their needs and goals will help you write compelling copy to attract the right learners to your course. No course is truly for everyone. Get specific and avoid copy that’s too general. This information will live under the Who this course is for section on the course landing page. Answer the following questions:

  • Is your course for a specific type of person with a particular goal?
  • Does your intended audience include a student level (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and/or a specific segment (for entrepreneurs, web developers)?
  • Is it clear who the course is not for? 

To edit this in the CLP, in the course builder find the field under Plan your course > Intended learners > Who this course is for.

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